Department: Cancer Specialist & Radiation Oncologist

Cancer is a complex and challenging disease that requires expert care and management. In Bangladesh, there are many skilled and experienced cancer specialists and radiation oncologists who are dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized care for patients. To find the best specialist for your needs, consider factors such as qualifications, experience, reputation, and patient reviews. It’s important to choose a specialist who is knowledgeable in the latest advances in cancer treatment and who utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to care. With the right diagnosis and treatment plan, many types of cancer can be effectively managed, improving the chances of successful outcomes and improved quality of life. A compassionate and skilled cancer specialist and radiation oncologist can make a significant difference in the cancer journey.

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MBBS, DMRT (BSMMU), FCPS (Radiotherapy), Fellowship Training (India, Singapore)

Cancer Specialist & Radiation Oncologist

National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital