Chattogram Metropolitan HospitalAddress: 698/752, O.R. Nizam Road, Panchlish, Chattogram Appointment: +8801814651077

Chattogram Metropolitan Hospital

Doctor list of Chattogram Metropolitan Hospital

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Advance Training on Pediatric Trauma, MIO Fellow Ilizarov & Reconstructive Surgery, Hip & Knee Joint Surgery

Orthopedic Specialist & Trauma Surgeon

Associate Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College

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MBBS, FCPS (Physical Medicine)

Arthritis, Pain, Paralysis, Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Specialist

Associate Professor & Head, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College

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MBBS (CMC), PhD (Physical Medicine), Advanced Clinical Education (Rheumatology)

Physical Medicine, Pain & Rheumatology Specialist

Consultant, Physical Medicine

Chattogram Metropolitan Hospital

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MBBS, D-ORTHO (Traumatology)

Orthopedics (Bone, Joint, Injury, Arthritis) Specialist & Trauma Surgeon

Senior Consultant, Orthopedic Surgery

Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College